• Dear Parents/Guardians,

    Please review the Student Expectation Code (SEC) that includes significant revisions designed to clearly explain student expectations as well as the supports available to help students successfully meet those expectations and experience success in school and life.

    Click here for the 2022-23 Student Expectation Code.

    During the January 2023 board meeting, the Ferguson-Florissant Board of Education approved an outlined revision of the Student Expectation Code (SEC), which the District will implement starting the second semester of the 22-23 school year beginning Wednesday, Jan. 18. These revisions are a direct result of continuous feedback from parents, staff, students, and community members through ThoughtExchange surveys, Board of Education Listening Sessions on school safety, Town Hall meetings, focus groups and FFSD SEC Committee regarding student discipline.


    The new revisions to the SEC provide clarity, consistency, and improvement in the District discipline policy. Here you will find information on what the revised SEC means for you and your child(ren). We are asking for your commitment to supporting our students through this transition.



    Why revise the SEC?

    District and building administration has heard from teachers, building staff, parents, and students regarding school discipline and safety. As a result, revisions to the SEC are a much needed first step to address student discipline. The first step in this process is making the following board approved changes to the SEC, which will take effect on Jan. 18, 2023. Some changes to note:

    • Under Behavior Interventions and Responses language was revised indicating behaviors listed are not all-inclusive and final decision regarding behavior is at the discretion of the school administrator.

    • Under Behavior Interventions and Responses repeated offenses may escalate interventions and responses to the next level.

    • Under Optional Administrative Actions additional resources were added for PreK-2nd grade.

    • Revised the language on behaviors and levels for clarity regarding the following violations (academic dishonesty, alcohol, arson, bus behaviors, inappropriate computer/electronic usage, controlled substances, dress code violations, illegal drugs, excessive tardiness, fighting, harassment, physical aggression, non-compliance, out of assigned area, sexual assault/harassment/misconduct, skipping class, theft, tobacco, vandalism/property damage, verbal conflict, and weapons).

    • Removed duplicate code definitions.

    • Added an acknowledgment page of SEC Committee members.


    What do revisions to the SEC mean for students and staff?

    Revisions to the SEC will provide school administrators with resources to better handle disruptive students, create more effective interventions, support classroom management, and provide opportunities for buildings to promote a positive climate conducive to learning. The revisions also provide more clarity around unacceptable student behavior and consequences for that behavior.


    How will students learn about these new expectations?

    Building administration and staff will review the updated SEC changes with students, so they are aware of the renewed expectations.


    What can parents do to help with this transition?

    • Talk to your child about expectations as it relates to discipline and student achievement.

    • Ensure your child arrives on time for school and is prepared for classes.

    • Remind your child to avoid disruptive behaviors in school. Walk away from and report disruptions, encourage others to behave appropriately and follow adult directions.

    • Talk to your child about respecting and listening to adults in the building.


    Does the revised SEC change anything for students who are suspended?

    Current student suspensions and reassignments will remain in place.