- Ferguson-Florissant School District
- Volunteer at FFSD
Volunteer at FFSD
The Ferguson-Florissant School District encourages and welcomes volunteers! We greatly appreciate your time, talents and dedication to our students. Many opportunities for volunteer participation are available.
If you have some spare time and want to be active in the school district, have an interesting hobby, are skilled in a craft, can talk about your job, or share information about your travels, we encourage you to get involved in our schools.
In whatever way you choose to help, you can be certain that your contribution is needed and valued.
In this section you will find information regarding how to sign up to be a volunteer, forms you will need to complete, applicable Board of Education policies and regulations, and much more.
Together we will make a difference. You are an important component in the success of our students. We are delighted that you have chosen to take an active role in the education of our students by volunteering, and we look forward to seeing you at school!
To download the complete Volunteer Handbook.
If you have further questions please contact Albert Harrold, Director of Family and Community Engagement. He can be reached at (314) 687-1924 or aharrold@fergflor.org .
All volunteer forms can be found at the end of the Volunteer Handbook, or at the links at the bottom of this page.
School Volunteers Make a Difference!
Volunteer Training Presentation
Celebrate that you have made a difference!
Our volunteers are required to watch several mandatory Safe School training videos before they are approved to volunteer. The Ferguson-Florissant School District is using SafeSchools.com to offer training courses online for your convenience. Follow these easy steps to complete your Ferguson-Florissant School District safety training requirements:
Using your web browser, go to the SafeSchools website for Ferguson-Florissant School District: https://fergflor-mo.safeschools.com/
Enter your Username: Volunteer
Once you log into the site, click on a course title to begin the training. Each course has audio, so be sure to turn up your speakers to listen. You must complete each section of the course in order to receive full credit.
Your Ferguson-Florissant School District SafeSchools contact:
speete@fergflor.orgAll individuals wishing to volunteer in the Ferguson-Florissant School District must complete the following online forms. Please make sure you have watched the Safe Schools videos above before completing the forms.
NOTE: You must complete BOTH forms below!
Application Process
- Volunteer applications and background check must be completed.
- Volunteers must never be alone with a student and work with students only in the presence of a District employee.
- We will make every effort to match your request for location and/or volunteer service.
- Results of the background check will be submitted to the Director of Family and Community Engagement, Albert Harrold, for approval.
- After the Director of Family and Community Engagement has reviewed your information, you will receive an email or call regarding your status.
- Once approved, you may have your photo taken and Ferguson-Florissant School District volunteer ID badge issued in the Communications and Marketing Office located in the Ferguson-Florissant School District Administration Building, 8855 Dunn Rd., Hazelwood, MO 63042. You may do this on your way to your first volunteer opportunity.
- You must present your volunteer ID badge each time you volunteer.
Code of Ethics for Volunteers
- To commit to always doing what is in the best interest of each student.
- To always keep student information CONFIDENTIAL.
- To understand that each student is unique and cannot be compared to another
- To never be alone with or put a student in an uncomfortable situation.
- To learn from the many different teaching methods used by the staff.
- To appreciate that there is no one best way to teach all students.
- To work positively for the good of the students, the school, and the district.
How Children Learn
- Children learn by doing, not by passive observation.
- Children learn by asking questions and searching for answers to their questions.
- Children learn by discovery.
- Children learn by using all their senses when possible.
- Children learn by experimenting.
- Children learn by sorting and combining objects.
- Children learn by repeating experiences.
- Children learn by building confidence in themselves.
Tips for Volunteers:
- Praise and encourage the students.
- Be friendly, enthusiastic, caring, patient, and supportive when working with students.
- Develop a rapport with the students.
- Encourage students to do their own thinking and give them plenty of time to respond.
- Catch students when they are being good and compliment them.
- Be respectful and treat individuals in the same manner as you wish to be treated.
- Recognize the individuality of each student.
- Be consistent with the teacher's rules for classroom schedules and behavior.
- Return items to their appropriate location before leaving.
- Commit to a regular schedule and call in advance to let the school know you are going to be absent.
- Sign in when you arrive, wear your badge, and sign out when you leave.
- Cooperate and communicate with staff and students.
- Maintain a sense of humor.
- Give students a choice only when you intend to abide by the choice.
- State directions in a positive form "walk in the halls" rather than, "don't run".
- Dress and groom so as to be an appropriate role model.