- STEAM Academy Middle School
- STEAM Uniforms
Dress Code - Uniforms
STEAM Uniforms -The WHY
Success - When students dress for success, academic gains are made
Safety - Requiring school uniforms enhances school safety
Savings - Purchasing uniform pieces saves $ over time
Social Harmony - Comparisons and brand competitions are minimized
Spirit - Dressing in our uniform indicates you belong here
Dress Code Policy
Students who attend STEAM Middle School are required to wear the following attire (the embroidered items and ties must be purchased at Fischers Uniforms):
Embroidered Navy blazer - every Wednesday beginning on Sept. 18
Embroidered Oxford shirt
Embroidered cardigan - (Optional)
Khaki pants or shorts (no cargo)
Khaki skirts or skorts
Solid Navy or black leggings may be worn under Khaki skirts
A solid color long sleeve undershirt/T-shirt may be worn under the Oxford shirt (a sweatshirt or hoodie should not be worn)
Plaid 37 or navy ready tie, cross tie, or bow tie
Plaid 37 pairs with Middle School Oxford
A solid brown or black belt must be worn for any items requiring a belt
Solid navy, white, black or red socks
Black or white shoes or sneakers (primary colors are black or white)
P.E. uniform - gray t-shirt and navy mesh shorts and tennis shoes
Fischer's has an optional P.E. uniform with STEAM’s logo
Clear backpack
School ID - (will be provided by the school)
*Eighth-grade students may wear the STEAM High Oxford Shirt or the STEAM High Embroidered Navy blazer.
Things to Note
A few important Notes about our STEAM Middle Uniform:
- We have 2 approved outerwear options (embroidered cardigans and blazers purchased from Fischer’s Uniforms). These are the only approved uniform outerwear pieces.
- We will have a blazer day every Wednesday beginning on September 25. Uniform inconsistencies are given on blazer days to students who do not wear their blazer.
- Students may wear their STEAM embroidered cardigan or blazer any other day of the week. Coats, jackets, hoodies, etc… will be put away during the school day.
- Hats, head coverings, and hoods are not approved with the STEAM Middle uniform but may be worn for religious practices followed by individual scholars and their families, on dress down/spirit wear days, or with special permission from Dr. Ries.
- Scholars or families seeking uniform assistance may email kwilliams2@fergflor.org.
Uniform Violation Policy
1st - 3rd inconsistency – The teacher will have a conversation with the student. The parent(s) will be notified by a school staff member.
4th inconsistency – A referral will be processed and lunch detention will be assigned by Dr. Ries. (Parent is notified by a school staff member.)
Future inconsistency will be considered an act of insubordination and will be handled as such in accordance with the Ferguson-Florissant School District Student Expectation Code.
Special non-uniform days will be scheduled throughout the year and will be available as spirit days and rewards for accomplishments.
Fischer's is our uniform source. Please shop online or in the store so you are ready for the 2024-25 school year to begin! https://www.fischersuniforms.com/