PLTW Distinguished School
  • STEAM High Selected as a 20-21 PLTW Distinguished School: Committed to Unlocking Student Potential Through PLTW Programs

    PLTW empowers millions of students across the U.S. to unlock their potential by developing the in-demand, real-world knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in life beyond the classroom.

    PLTW Distinguished Program Recognition celebrates districts and schools committed to helping students own their education by increasing student access, engagement, and achievement in their PLTW programs.

    While the 2020-21 school year included some unique and unexpected challenges, we remain committed to recognizing and celebrating your achievements despite the unusual circumstances.

    • STEAM High offered, and had students enrolled, in at least three PLTW High School courses from any pathway during the 2019-20 school year.
    • At least 25 percent of students in STEAM High  participated in PLTW High School courses from any pathway during the 2019-20 school year OR at least 33 percent of those students who participated during the 2019-20 school year took at least two PLTW courses during their tenure at your school.
    • STEAM High has strategies and/or procedures in place to support reasonably proportional representation with regard to race, ethnicity, poverty, gender, etc.
Advanced Biomedical Science Lab
  • Advanced Biomedical Pathway Students put their skills to the test during Pig Dissection Lab Day.