Scholar Bowl is made up of a team of six students who participate in a competition of higher level thinking games against other elementary schools in our district. These students practice before school three times a week from November to March to prepare for competition.
Students compete in four areas. In "The Judge" competition they are asked general knowledge questions to compete for points. In "Target Number" they have to manipulate 5 numbers to equal the target number given. In "Mancala and Nine Men's Morris" students compete in strategy board games against their opponent. And in "Mind Benders" they work as a group to solve logic problems, plexers and analogies.
Our competitions for 2017 will be held at the administration build on the following dates:
Thursday, January 19 4:00-5:30
Thursday, February 2 4:00-5:30
Saturday, March 4 8:45 - 11:30