- Ferguson-Florissant School District
- Communications
Inclement Weather - Extreme Heat
Administrators and teachers will make adjustments in school activities to insure the safety and comfort of our children when periods of extreme heat or cold develop. In general, it is the District’s policy to remain open for a full day of school once classes begin each day. Extreme heat or cold sometimes create conditions changing the normal routines of the school day such as recess or after-school activities like football practice.
The National Weather Service and the Missouri Department of Health issue warnings of extreme heat events during the summer months. Administrators and teachers will adjust student activities during these periods to insure the health and safety of our students.
The National Weather Service’s Heat Advisory/Warning is based on a term called the Heat Index and the length of time the extreme heat lasts. The Heat Index is a complex formula that simulates what it “feels like” to humans given a certain temperature and relative humidity.
Heat Advisory is issued when the heat index is expected to be at least 105 degrees for 3 hours or more with a minimum heat index of 80 degrees during a 24-hour period.
Heat warning is issued when the heat index is expected to be at least 115 degrees for 3 hours or more with a minimum heat index of 80 degrees during a 24-hour period, or when the heat index is to be in the 105 degrees to 114 degrees (or higher) for at least 3 days.
The Missouri Department of Health also issues Advisories/Warnings for extreme heat events. They are called a Hot Weather Health Advisory or a Hot Weather Health Warning.
Hot Weather Health Advisory is issued when the heat index is 105 degrees or greater.
Hot Weather Health Warning is issued two days after a Hot Weather Health Advisory continues and if the forecast calls for the heat to continue for 48 more hours.
Precautions To Take:
On any given day, when the heat index is 105 degrees or higher, all outdoor athletics/activities should be postponed or moved inside to air conditioned facilities.
When the heat index is 95 degrees – 104 degrees, athletics/activities may take place outside with the following conditions: hydration, breaks, and rest every 20 minutes. In addition, an early stop time may be given by the Athletic Director for athletic practices and after-school activities. The Athletic Director will communicate with coaches regarding these precautions.
Inclement Weather - Tornado
In times of severe weather, staff members will be alert to dangerous weather conditions. Ferguson-Florissant School District follows weather updates for all in-district zip codes on the National Weather Service website. It is important to have a family plan in the event that a tornado warning is issued before school. All schools conduct routine tornado drills with students to ensure they are aware of procedures.
Tornado Alerts:
Tornado Watch - During a tornado watch or other threatening weather, school officials are alert for developing and dangerous conditions, and actions deemed necessary for safety will be taken in accordance with building procedures.
Tornado Warning - During a tornado warning, when sirens have sounded, seek shelter. Do not attempt to pick up your student from school. Weather experts advise that cars are among the most dangerous places to be in a storm.
All Clear - Ferguson-Florissant School District consults the National Weather Service on when a warning has been lifted. The siren silencing does not mean the warning has ended. After the all clear is given, students may be picked up by parents. Depending on the time of day the all-clear is announced, bus transportation may run later than normal. Any changes to the dismissal schedule will be communicated to families through the district’s mass notification system.
Before school:
Keep children at home or in safe location until the tornado warning is lifted. We want to ensure students are not waiting at bus stops during this critical time.
School buses will be held at the transportation garage. The start of the school day will be delayed until the tornado warning is lifted and the all-clear is given.
If buses are traveling on their route, they will proceed to the nearest school or other predetermined location and remain there until the warning has been lifted and the all-clear is given.
During school:
Students and staff will move to the building’s safe places and proceed into the precautionary cover position.
Please refrain from coming to school to pick up your child during a tornado warning.
During dismissal:
Students will not be dismissed from school while the area is under a tornado warning.
Students will be held at school and buses will not be allowed to transport until the tornado warning has been lifted and the all clear is given.
Parents who arrive at school during a warning will be asked to wait and seek shelter until the warning is lifted and all is clear.
When buses are traveling:
Buses will proceed to the nearest school or other predetermined location.
Drivers and students will remain at that location until the warning has been lifted and the all clear is given.
Communication Procedures:
Phone lines may not be answered during a tornado warning, as students and staff will be in the precautionary safe space within the building.
Parents will be notified through the district’s mass notification system of any changes in transportation and/or school delays due to a tornado warning.
Inclement Weather Procedures
- Ferguson-Florissant School District's goal is to ensure the safety of all during inclement weather events while minimizing the disruption to student learning.
If weather conditions or other unexpected, short-term events make it unsafe for students to attend in person, the District may use one of the following options:
- In-person classes may be canceled entirely. (A regular snow day)
- Students may learn during a 'virtual learning day.' (Asynchronous or Synchronous learning day)
- School may start two hours late. (Delayed start)
- Students may be released early. (Early dismissal)
What options will the District consider when weather conditions are severe?
School closing - Closing school, is necessary when the weather forecast and current conditions indicate that a late start is not possible. School closure is usually a result of snow and/or ice. This will be a traditional 'snow day' with no in-person or virtual classes.
Early dismissal - In the case of developing weather conditions, the District may call for early dismissal of students. In this case, there will be no evening activities or classes.
Two-hour delayed late start - A two-hour delayed start will be used to allow staff additional time to get to school and prepare the grounds and facilities (i.e., clearing ice, sidewalks, etc.). Also, conditions and visibility often improve later in the morning. The school day will begin two hours later. All schools will end their day at the regular time. A complete list of delayed start times is listed below:
Middle (6-8) - 9:25 a.m.
High (9-12) - 10:05 a.m.
Intermediate (3-5) - 10:50 a.m.
Primary (Pre K - 2) - 11:20 a.m.
How are parents/guardians notified of school closings?
Any decision to close schools due to weather will be announced using Ferguson-Florissant School District’s automated messaging system (email, text, and/or phone calls). Announcements will be made on local television stations, the District website, and FFSD’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. When possible, announcements regarding inclement weather days will be made before 10 p.m. the day before or at approximately 5:30 a.m. the day inclement weather is expected.
- District website: www.fergflor.org provides notification of school closings and cancellations.
- Email, Phone Call, FFSD App & Text Message: Phone, email, and text messages are sent to school families and employees when classes are cancelled, delayed, virtual, or students are released early.
- Social Media: Information will be posted on the District’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Radio & TV: Local stations share announcements on air and on their websites.
NOTE: If you are a parent/guardian and did not receive a phone call on a day when school is closed due to weather, please contact your child's school office to ensure the District has the correct contact information on file for your family. You can also update or change your contact information in the Parent Portal.
- Ferguson-Florissant School District's goal is to ensure the safety of all during inclement weather events while minimizing the disruption to student learning.
Inclement Weather - Extreme Cold
How does temperature affect the decision to hold school?
When very cold weather strikes we receive many questions from families and staff asking whether school will be closed due to cold temperatures alone. The answer is yes. Under certain conditions, outlined below, extreme cold may cause school to be closed for the safety of our students and staff.
The Ferguson-Florissant School District considers a set of internal weather guidelines to help determine whether temperatures are safe to hold classes. Our weather guidelines state that if the wind chill temperature is ABOVE (warmer than) -17 degrees at 5 a.m., schools are generally open. If the wind chill temperature falls BELOW (is colder than) -18 degrees at 5 a.m., schools are more likely to be closed. These guidelines take into account the amount of time it takes for exposed skin to develop frostbite and the average amount of time it takes for students to walk to school or wait at bus stops. Of course, other factors may also be considered, but these parameters provide a general guide. Click here to view a National Weather Service (NWS) brochure on wind chills to learn more.
When temperatures do not warrant closing, families should help their children to be prepared for the weather to make sure that they stay as safe and warm as possible as they make their way to and from school:
- Dress them warmly, in layers; with a hat, scarf, gloves and appropriate footwear.
- If your child generally walks to school, consider giving them a ride or having children from your neighborhood carpool together.
- If your child rides the bus, dress them warmly, but also consider waiting in the car with them at the bus stop, or having one person in your neighborhood maintain a warm car by the stop.
Just like our families do when school is in session during very cold weather, the District makes some adjustments in response to the weather to ensure our students and staff are safe and as comfortable as possible:
- Our transportation department begins preparing district buses as early as 4 a.m. to make sure the engines start and heaters work so that students have as warm a ride to school as possible. Drivers are careful to arrive at bus stops as close to “on time” as possible.
- Custodial and maintenance staff ensure temperatures inside our classrooms are comfortable and are on standby to respond to any facilities issues that can arise due to frigid temperatures outside.
- Recess and all gym class activities are held indoors.
Because instructional time is so valuable for all of our students to be able to achieve at the highest levels, we wish for all students to be in school as much as possible. However, ultimately, families decide what is best for their children based on individual circumstances. We hope that this information is helpful for our students, families and staff to know more about our decision-making process and the steps we can all take to continue our teaching and learning even when it’s very cold outside.
Flyer Distribution and Approval
As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, Ferguson-Florissant School District has implemented an electronic flyer delivery service called Peachjar. FFSD supports non-profit community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students and staff by distributing materials electronically via Peachjar, a free online service for schools.
To request approval for a flyer, please follow the steps below:
- Visit peachjar.com (http://peachjar.com).
- Register as an Enrichment Provider (account type).
- Provide a valid government-issued 501 (c)(3) non-profit certification letter.
- All flyers must include the following disclaimer: The Ferguson-Florissant School District neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this material. The distribution or display of this material is provided by the District as a community service.
- Upload your flyer for approval.
Your flyer, once loaded into Peachjar, will be submitted to the district office. All flyers will be reviewed by district staff and approved or denied based on the standards listed below. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to parents and posted online. Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school.
FFSD does not approve the distribution of:
- Materials for activities or programs of a commercial, political or religious nature.
- Materials for activities or events not suitable for children.
Media Inquiries
All media inquiries should be directed to the Communications Office at (314) 368-2206 or ohollomon@fergflor.org
Media Guidelines
The Ferguson-Florissant School District recognizes the important role the media plays in reporting news and information about its policies, programs, services, events, students and employees. The FFSD communications and media relations department is committed to providing district information to the media and making every effort to work within media deadlines. District and school news must be submitted to the communications and media relations department for approval and proper dissemination to the media. Such protocol ensures accuracy and consistently proper and professional relationships with the media. All media requests to interview, videotape or photograph district employees, students or board members must be made through the communications and media relations department. When requests for student interviews are granted, the interview will be conducted at a district-designated site to minimize the loss of instructional time and disruption to the learning environment.
Visiting the District
The Ferguson-Florissant School District understands that members of the media will need to visit our schools in order to follow through on district stories. Members of the media are expected to notify the communications and media relations department prior to gaining access to district property. As a safety and security precaution, the media will be asked to sign-in and obtain a media pass in the main office. When videotaping, taking still photographs or conducting interviews while in the school district, a member of the communications and media relations staff, or designee, will accompany the media at all times to minimize disruption at the school and to assist with any additional requests. At all times, the executive director of communications and media relations/designee and/or an adult representative of the school should be present when students are interviewed or photographed in conjunction with a school or district function. The presiding adult may intercede in the interview or photography any time he/she judges the questions or images to conflict with the best interests of the student or district.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Ferguson-Florissant School District abides by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which allows students and parents to opt out of the release of certain information about students, including photographs. The communications and media relations department will work with each school to determine who cannot be photographed and interviewed according to FERPA guidelines.
Board of Education Meetings
Members of the media are invited to attend all open meetings of the Ferguson-Florissant School District Board of Education. Media may videotape and/or record these meetings. To avoid disruption of the meeting, members of the media are asked to not approach board members, guest speakers or members of the audience inside the board room during the meeting. Interviews must be conducted outside the board room in the foyer or pre-arranged conference room. Copies of the board agenda, informational items and other meeting materials are available online at www.fergflor.org.
It is the district’s practice to work as cooperatively as possible to provide timely information to the media on emergencies and its impact on students and staff members, provided the release of information does not jeopardize the emergency response activities, or conflict with FERPA, the well-being of our students and employees, or the concerns of their families. Members of the media may be assigned to a designated site to ensure full access to the emergency by emergency response teams.
The communications and media relations department will work as quickly as possible to provide accurate information to the media through a spokesperson, written release or statement, or news briefings.
Communication Guidelines
The Ferguson-Florissant School District will distribute or display school- or district-related communications and information from not-for-profit outside organizations, provided the information adheres to the guidelines outlined below and promotes youth programs, activities or events that aim to improve the health, education or welfare of students.
Internal and affiliated organizations allowed access to official district distribution channels include:
- The Ferguson-Florissant School District
- Official government entities including the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and official communications from municipalities located within the district
- Parent-teacher organizations, the Ferguson-Florissant National Education Association (FFNEA), and district-approved booster clubs operating within FFSD
Outside organizations seeking to promote youth programs, activities or events that aim to improve the health, education or welfare of students must follow the procedures outlined below:
- Provide a valid government-issued 501 (c)(3) non-profit certification letter
- Include on all printed materials the following disclaimer, in at least 10 pt. font:
The Ferguson-Florissant School District neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this material. The distribution or display of this material is provided by the district as a community service. - Email a copy of your non-profit certification letter and flyer with disclaimer included, along with the name(s) of the school(s) where you would like the information distributed and/or the grade levels you wish to reach to the district's communications office at info@fergflor.org.
- The communications office will review your request and send notice of approval or refusal via email. Please note, material of a commercial, political or religious nature shall not be distributed through the schools.
- If approved, outside organizations are responsible for printing and delivery of materials for distribution.
If you have questions about the distribution of communications in Ferguson-Florissant schools, please call the communications office at (314)687-1913.
Mobile App
We are pleased to announce the release of the Ferguson-Florissant School District mobile app. The app will be the place to get all district information including news, menus, teacher contact information, school websites, social media, emergency notifications, links to report safety concerns, and much, much more. You can even access the Parent Portal through the District app. It’s your one-stop shop for school and district information. Please check your device’s app store for the Ferguson-Florissant SD R-II app.
Legal Notices
FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA)The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. ß 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. However, specific types of student information are categorized as "Directory Information." Such information (see items below) will be available to anyone requesting it unless you file a written objection to the release of this information with the building principal.Directory information includes:
- student name,
- address,
- telephone number,
- date of birth,
- major field of study,
- participation in officially recognized activities and sports,
- weight and height of members of athletic teams,
- dates of attendance,
- degrees and awards received,
- most recent previous school attended,
- photograph and videotape not used in any disciplinary matter and
- student work displayed at the discretion of the teacher with no grades displayed.
Non-Descrimination Policy
The Ferguson-Florissant School District provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, marital status, amnesty, or status as a covered veteran in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws. The Ferguson-Florissant School District complies with applicable state and local laws governing non-discrimination in employment in every location in which the district has facilities. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfers, leaves of absence, compensation, and training. Any inquiries regarding the Ferguson-Florissant School District’s compliance with this policy should be directed to the Office of the Superintendent.
- No Child Left Behind Complaint Procedures
Staff Condolences
Staff Condolences & Announcements
In order to keep staff updated of pertinent information, we will use this space to compile a comprehensive listing of district announcements and condolences. Announcements are to be forwarded to Jackie McWell at jmcwell@fergflor.org.
September 18, 2024
Our deepest condolences to the family of Mr. James Paulette, father of Sharon Paulette-Selvey and Donna Paulette-Thurman.The homegoing arrangements are as follows:Monday, September 23, 2024Reliable Funeral Chapel3958 Washington Ave.St. Louis, MO 63108Visitation: 10:00 a.m.Service: 11:00 a.m.Internment: 2:00 p.m.Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery2900 Sheridan Rd.St. Louis, MO 63125Repast: McCluer South-Berkeley-STEAM Academy201 Brotherton Ln.Ferguson, MO 631353:30 pmJuly 29, 2024
Our condolences go to the family of Mrs. Sandy Hartin. Mrs. Hartin was a former District Teacher of the Year (1990). She is also the parent of Heather Cothran, ELA teacher at McCluer. Mrs. Hartin taught English at McCluer for 20 years and was McCluer's Theater Director for ten years.
Service Schedule:Visitation - Monday, August 5th, 20244:00-8:00 pm - Baue Funeral Home3950 Clay, St. Charles, MO 63301Mass - Tuesday, August 6th, 202410:00 am - St. Norbert Catholic Church16455 New Halls Ferry Rd., Florissant, MO 63031
Sandra Kay Hartin Obituary 2024 - Baue Funeral HomeDecember 7, 2023Our condolences go out to the family and friends of Sharon Schulte. Retired Ferguson-Florissant School District teacher. She taught at Griffith for 20 years.Her daughter, Kristine Schulte, is a PE teacher at Halls Ferry Intermediate. Service information is as follows:Service:Saturday, December 9, 202311- 11:30 a.m.Hutchens Mortuary & Cremation Center675 Graham Rd. Florissant, MO 63031Visitation:12-3:00 p.m.Hutchens Mortuary & Cremation Center675 Graham Rd. Florissant, MO 63031
One District United E-Newsletter
Onye Hollomon Executive Director of Communications and Marketing
(314) 687-1921
ohollomon@fergflor.org -
Levi Matthews Communications, Marketing & Media Specialist
(314) 687-1923
lmatthews@fergflor.org -
Vicki Witte Administrative Assistant
(314) 687-1913
Key Areas of Responsibility
Media Relations
Crisis Communication
Community Engagement
Publicity and Promotion of District Events
District Publications
Management of District Website and Social Media
Special Events
Liaison to District and Community Groups