Middle School Summer School Information

  • The Ferguson-Florissant School District believes strongly in providing students with an outstanding education and opportunities to master the content and skills necessary for their success as students and members of our community. We also believe it is essential to partner with our families to ensure that students are provided with additional support when they demonstrate a need for more time to learn and successfully master grade-level standards and skills. 

    Your student is not meeting grade-level standards in mathematics and/or english based on the Galileo Benchmark. They are also earning a failing grade in the content area.  Your student has shown they will benefit from additional learning time this summer. Your student is required to attend Ferguson-Florissant Summer School in order to set them up for success for the 2024-2025 school year. Retention will be considered for students who do not complete Summer School.

    The FFSD Summer Academy program is a no-cost, in-person program. Summer School for your student will be June 3 - June 27, 2024. 

    Scheduled Dates: June 3 – June 27 (NO Fridays and NO school on June 19)

    Time: 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.


    • Ferguson Middle - 701 January Ave, Ferguson, MO 63135

    We are excited about Summer 2024 and encourage our students to participate in high-quality summer learning!


High School Summer School Information

  • The Ferguson-Florissant School District believes strongly in providing students with a quality education and opportunities to master content and skills necessary for their success as students and members of our community. Students will have access to academic support and enrichment opportunities during summer school. We believe it is essential to partner with our families to ensure that students are provided with additional support when they demonstrate a need for more time to learn and successfully master grade-level standards and skills. The FFSD Summer Academy program is a no-cost, in-person program. Summer School for your student will be June 3 - June 27, 2024.

    FFSD will offer current 23-24 high school students credit recovery during summer school.  Credit advancement will be offered for personal finance for summer 2024. Students taking credit recovery courses must have failed the course with a grade below 60%. Students in 9th-12th grades for the 2023-24 school year and needing to recover credits, may enroll in the 4-week Summer Academy session. Summer school will take place June 3 - June 27, 2024.

    • High School Credit Recovery courses will be based on the student's prior semester grade and content mastery in the course.  Students will receive invitations to Credit Recovery courses.  

    • Personal Finance is also being offered for Credit Advancement.

    McCluer Students

    Scheduled Dates: June 3 – June 27        No school on Fridays or June 19

    Time: 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m 

    Location: McCluer High School

    Enrollment Goal:  Credit Recovery 

    Breakfast: Provided

    Transportation:  Provided

    McCluer North Students

    Scheduled Dates: June 3 – June 27        No school on Fridays or June 19

    Time: 10:50 a.m. – 1:20 p.m 

    Location: McCluer High School

    Enrollment Goal:  Credit Recovery

    Lunch: Provided

    Transportation:  Provided

    We are excited about Summer 2024 and encourage our students to participate in high-quality summer learning!