Volunteer Application Process

  • If you have further questions, please contact Marche Belcher, Culture and Learning Transformation Coach, at mbelcher@fergflor.org or 314-824-2054.

    1. Volunteer applications and background check must be completed.
    2. Volunteers must never be alone with a student and work with students only in the presence of a District employee.
    3. We will make every effort to match your request for location and/or volunteer service.
    4. Results of the background check will be submitted to the Director of Family and Community Engagement, Albert Harrold, for approval.
    5. After the CLT Department has reviewed your information, you will receive an email or call regarding your status.
    6. Once approved, you may have your photo taken and Ferguson-Florissant School District volunteer ID badge issued in Ferguson-Florissant School District Administration Building, 8855 Dunn Rd., Hazelwood, MO 63042. You may do this on your way to your first volunteer opportunity.
    7. You must present your volunteer ID badge each time you volunteer.
    Your Ferguson-Florissant School District SafeSchools contact: 
    Jennifer Pipkins

Volunteering in FFSD

  • Code Of Ethics

  • How Children Learn

  • Tips for Volunteers