- Ferguson-Florissant School District
- Hazel Health Services

New Health Service for Students
We are excited to announce a new student health service available for students in the Ferguson-Florissant School District. Students now have access to on-demand virtual medical visits through our partner, Hazel Health. All students will need a signed consent form to access this service. Parents/Guardians: If you would like for your student to have access to this service, please sign up using the Health Form.
How does it work?
Students have access to virtual medical visits right in the school nurse's office. The school nurse will communicate with a student’s parent/guardian when the nurse feels a medical visit is warranted. Hazel Health providers can evaluate your child’s symptoms and provide the appropriate type of treatment. If your child is sick at home, parents can also access Hazel Health medical visits from home from 7 a.m.- 5 p.m. on school days. Contact a medical provider from home by clicking here: https://my.hazel.co/fergflor/info
Please note:
- Parents in participating schools will have the ability to opt-in or out of the program at any time, and no student will participate or be treated unless a parent has given their consent.
- This service is NOT intended to replace an established relationship with your primary care physician. It is designed to increase access to quality health care for all students, safely keep healthy students in school and occasionally provide convenience - particularly for working parents.
- Sick children should still stay home from school, but if an issue arises once a student is on campus, Hazel Health is a convenient option for parents who have given their consent.
If you have questions or need any additional information, please contact your school nurse or Dr. Stephanie Tate-Patterson, DNP, MSN, FNP-BC - Nurse Coordinator (statepatterson@fergflor.org or 314-824-2043)
Hazel Health Services Frequently Asked Questions
Students now have access to virtual doctor visits through Hazel Health. A signed consent form is required to access this service. You can sign that form at https://my.hazel.co/fergflor/info
This service is NOT for medical emergencies; if you are experiencing a medical emergency, please visit your nearest hospital emergency room or call 911.
Why is this service being offered?
- This service is part of an ongoing effort to give our families options and tools to help keep students healthy, so they can be at school and learning.
- Instead of having to leave school to see a doctor, students can now see a provider within a few minutes at school from the nurse’s office.
- In addition, for families that don’t have good access to a doctor, or in cases where wait times to see doctors are long, this service gives families an option.
Who is Hazel Health?
- Hazel Health is FFSD’s partner. They provide the equipment, medical providers, and training to support our nurses with on-demand telehealth.
- Hazel Health is an independent, private medical practice focused exclusively on student health and wellness. Hazel Health is not an entity of the school district, local or state government, or national government.
Am I required to use this service?
- No, this is an optional service and the choice to participate is with families.
- However, so nurses know which students are consented to receive telehealthcare, we are asking all FFSD families to let us know their preference via the parental consent form here https://my.hazel.co/fergflor/info or we can provide a paper consent form.
How does Hazel Health at School work?
Students have access to virtual medical visits right in the school nurse’s office. The school nurse will communicate with a student’s parent when the nurse feels a medical visit is warranted. Hazel Health providers can evaluate your child’s symptoms and provide the appropriate type of treatment. If your child is sick at home, parents can also access Hazel Health providers from home from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. on school days. Parents will have the ability to opt-in or out of the program at any time, and no student will participate or be treated unless a parent has given their consent.
- When a student is in school, a nurse or aide can start a virtual doctor visit within minutes -- right from the school nurse’s office. Hazel Health providers will evaluate the student’s symptoms and provide the appropriate treatment along with next steps. The provider will advise if the student can return safely to class, or if additional care is needed.
- Hazel Health at School is available during school hours, from the first bell to the last bell.
How does Hazel Health at Home work?
- When at home, families can connect with Hazel Health doctors from any device including mobile. To start a visit, a parent/guardian shares the child’s health concerns at https://my.hazel.co/fergflor/info. A Hazel Health provider will initiate a phone or video visit with the child and the parent/guardian.
- Messages can be sent to Hazel Health at any time. A response will be provided within one business day. Providers are available for visits, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. (local time).
- Hazel Health at Home is available over the summer months. Providers are not accessible for visits on major holidays.
Who is eligible to use Hazel Health?
- Any student, 3 years of age or older, who is currently enrolled in FFSD schools is eligible for Hazel Health services. Children between the ages of 3-5 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian on the Hazel Health visit via audio.
How can a student be signed up to use Hazel Health?- A parent/guardian must complete the Hazel Health consent form. To sign up online, visit your district’s Hazel Health webpage: https://my.hazel.co/fergflor/consent
Who are the Hazel Health medical providers?
- Hazel Health medical providers are state-licensed physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants.
If a student needs a prescription refill, can Hazel Health help?
- Yes, providers can write prescriptions, if medically appropriate. The parent/guardian will be contacted if a prescription is needed. Hazel Health will order the prescription to be filled at the preferred pharmacy. Families are responsible for the cost of the prescription.
What is the cost to families to use Hazel Health?
- There is no cost for families for Hazel Health visits this 2022-2023 school year. There may be costs associated with prescriptions and any ancillary care outside of the Hazel Health visit.
Who handles insurance processing?
- Hazel Health handles all insurance processing
What if a student already has a primary care provider?
- Hazel Health is not a replacement for primary care services. Families are encouraged to establish an active relationship (often referred to as a medical home) with a primary care provider (PCP) for all children.
- Hazel Health providers encourage families to follow the well visit schedule for primary care check-ups.
- If a student or family needs help finding a primary care provider in a local area (or needs to be referred to a local provider for additional services), Hazel Health can help. Contact the Hazel Health care team at (314) 648-8826 or via a supplied link.
- Hazel Health will coordinate with a student’s primary care provider, when applicable, to ensure continuity of care. A copy of the discharge summary will be sent to the primary care provider when the fax number is included on the Hazel Health consent form.