FFSD Early Childhood Education Program


    The Ferguson-Florissant School District is recognized nationally as a leader in the field of Early Education. For more than 35 years, the District, in partnership with the state of Missouri, has worked with Early Education experts to develop programs that have been adopted statewide and now serve as national models. 

    The strong support of the Ferguson-Florissant Board of Education and the Administration's commitment to early childhood education make it possible for the District to offer families the following programs: 

    Parents as Teachers (PAT)

    Parents are their child's first and most influential teachers. Scientists have proven that experiences in the earliest years make a physical difference in a child's brain.

    Beginning prenatally, families are offered: 

    • Personal visits, usually at home
    • Group meetings and parent-child activities with other families
    • Screening to check on development, hearing, and vision
    • Connections to community resources

     This free program with degreed, certified parent educators is available to all families who choose to participate. 

    Preschool for 3- and 4-Year Olds

    Preschool options at Commons Lane, Parker Road, Duchesne, Walnut Grove, Central, Bermuda and Holman: 

    • Our 3-year-old preschool program is designed for children who turn 3 by July 31st.  Classes meet Monday through Thursday mornings or Tuesday and Thursday morning.  Attending while in preschool (age 3) increases the chances of pre-k placement once the following year. 
      Our 4-year-old pre-kindergarten program is designed for children who turn 4 by July 31st.  Classes meet Monday-Thursday in the afternoon.  Children enrolled at Parker Road Elementary will attend Monday/Wedneday/Friday mornings.
      Full-day preschool classrooms are located in each PK-2 building.  Students attend Monday through Friday and are placed by attendance area in their home school.  Priority for full-day is given to students that are 4 by July 31.

    Preschool at Little Creek Options (Parker Road School Only)

    • Preschool (students age 3) attends Tuesday and Thursday mornings with one day each week at Little Creek. 
    • Pre-k (students age 4) attend Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings with two days each week at Little Creek.    
    • Full-day (students age 4) attend Monday through Friday with two days each week at Little Creek

     As a part of our program, families will receive personal home visits through Parents as Teachers. This free program with degreed, certified parent educators is available to all children.

    Head Start Partnership
    Five full days of preschool classes for 3- and 4-year-olds are available through a partnership with Head Start. Families receive PAT personal visits. Head Start eligibility is necessary. 

    Early Childhood Special Education

    Preschool-age children who have special needs receive appropriate services in classes or through itinerant programming. Families are offered PAT personal visits. The program is free.

    This free developmental check-up is designed for all young children, ages 1-5 years. Hearing and vision are also checked. If any type of concern is indicated, in-depth testing is offered.

    Child Development Centers
    Our child development centers offer full day care and education for children ages 2, 3, and 4. High school students enrolled in a child development course are involved. Families receive PAT personal visits and group functions.

    These tuition-based programs operate year-round.


    Family Time is a FREE daytime program that serves as a support group for parents (grandparents) and their children from birth to age 5.  Events are scheduled throughout the school year with meetings taking place at various venues throughout the district.  Check the LINK Family Time schedule for the most up to date information.  Just drop in we would love for you to join us!


  • Preschool

  • Parents as Teachers

  • Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

  • Head Start

  • Ferguson-Florissant Child Development Centers

Who do I contact?

  • Preschool 

    Vogt Elementary 

    200 Church Street

    Ferguson MO 63135

    (314) 824-2080

    Preschool Enrollment

    ext. 2074

    Fax:  314-208-3460


    Parents as Teachers

    Vogt Elementary

    200 Church Street

    Ferguson, MO 63135

    (314) 824-2080

    ext. 2076 and 2077


    Register online in English here

    Register online in Spanish here


    Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) 

    Vogt Elementary

    200 Church Street

    Ferguson, MO 63135

    (314) 824-2080

    ext. 2073 and 2072

    Fax:  (314) 208-3460


    Head Start

    Bermuda Elementary

    5835 Bermuda Drive

    St. Louis, MO 63121

    (314) 687-1972



    Ferguson Florissant Child Development Centers

    New Locations

    Lee Hamilton 

    (314) 687-1976

    Mark Twain Restoration Center

    (314) 687-1973


    Director of Early Education

    Shantana Herd-Luckett, Ed. S.

    (314) 824-2071


    Assistant Director of Early Childhood Special Education

    Cynthia Wise

    (314) 824-2072


    Parents as Teachers Coordinator

    Debbe McCutchen

    (314) 824-2076 

