- Ferguson-Florissant School District
- FACE Department
Family and Community Engagement
Volunteer Opportunities
About Volunteering in FFSD
The Ferguson-Florissant School District encourages and welcomes volunteers! We greatly appreciate your time, talents and dedication to our students. Many opportunities for volunteer participation are available.
If you have some spare time and want to be active in the school district, have an interesting hobby, are skilled in a craft, can talk about your job, or share information of your travels, we encourage you to get involved in our schools.
In whatever way you choose to help, you can be certain that your contribution is needed and valued.
In this section you will find information regarding how to sign up to be a volunteer, forms you will need to complete, applicable Board of Education policies and regulations, and much more.
Together we will make a difference. You are an important component in the success of our students. We are delighted that you have chosen to take an active role in the education of our students by volunteering, and we look forward to seeing you at school!
OASIS Tutoring
To become an OASIS tutor click this link www.oasisnet.org.
OASIS is an intergenerational tutoring program that promotes healthy aging through lifelong learning, active lifestyles and volunteer engagement. OASIS volunteers are trained by the director of Family and Community Engagement (FACE) to assist students with challenging behaviors, addressing the needs of struggling readers and implementing reading strategies. OASIS tutors meet monthly. Meeting topics are based on the needs assessment of OASIS volunteers.
OASIS tutors...
- Are volunteers who have a love of reading and a love of children.
- Come with prepared lesson plans.
- Are trained to use a curriculum specially designed by reading professionals for K-4 students.
- Work with the same child(ren) each week.
OASIS Intergenerational tutoring has been implemented in 50 cities and more than 100 school districts across the United States. It has won numerous national, state, and local awards for its success in linking struggling students with trained volunteers who are eager to pass on a love of reading.
- My Brother's Keeper (MBK): Email Marche Belcher at mbelcher@fergflor.org
- Grades 5 -12
- Contact mbelcher@fergflor.org for information about school meeting dates and times
- NEW PROGRAM: My Sister's Keeper (MSK)
- Grades 6
- Contact mbelcher@fergflor.org for information about school meeting dates and times
MSK will consist of our female 6th-grade students who would benefit from positive female role models, field trips, guest speakers, and empowering mentoring sessions. The aim of both programs is to directly impact the climate and culture of the school building with the expectation of the skills they learn flowing into the communities in which they live.
District Events
The Ferguson-Florissant School District is always looking for volunteers to support the events put on by the Family and Community Engagement department. Keep an eye on the District calendar to see any upcoming events where you may be able to volunteer. You can also contact The Culture and Learning Transformation team at clt@fergflor.org to ask about any volunteer opportunities that are currently available or will soon be available.
Donate your Time and Skills
Do you have specific skills or services that you would like to volunteer to the district? Please contact The Culture and Learning Transformation Team at mbelcher@fergflor.org to share where you can help, and ask about any volunteer opportunities that are currently available or will soon be available.
Culture and Learning Transformation Team clt@fergflor.org