- Ferguson-Florissant School District
- We are FergFlor
Our Mission The mission of the Ferguson-Florissant School District is to provide high quality instruction to every student in every neighborhood while prioritizing equity and compassionate relationships.
Our Vision The vision of the Ferguson-Florissant School District is for all learners to graduate believing that anything is possible and prepared to realize those possibilities.
Core Values
Student Centered
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Welcome to the Ferguson-Florissant School District
The History of FFSD
Ferguson established its first one-room
school. -
Florissant established its first elementary
school on the present site of Combs
School. -
Land acquired to construct Vernon
School for Black children. -
By unanimous vote, Ferguson District was
divided in accordance with a petition
presented by the residents of Kinloch. -
Berkeley Schools organized separately
from Kinloch District. -
Ferguson and Florissant residents voted to
merge Districts. -
The Ferguson-Florissant District was
enlarged through annexation of adjacent
Berkeley and Kinloch Districts as part of a
court ordered merger. Existing boundaries
of Ferguson-Florissant School District,
officially known as Ferguson Reorganized
School District R2, include all or parts of
the following municipalities: Ferguson,
Florissant, Berkeley, Kinloch, Dellwood,
Cool Valley, Calverton Park, Hazelwood,
Normandy as well as some unincorporated
communities in St. Louis County.That court ordered merger of the Kinloch,
Berkeley, and Ferguson-Florissant school
districts in the 1975 while intended to
address disparities in education, forced
students to be bussed from the southern
end of the District in Kinloch to Florissant
and created different hardships for
The Berkeley School District had a
sufficient tax base that Berkeley teachers
and staff members’ salaries were frozen
until other Ferguson-Florissant employees
could catch up in pay. Resources that
had been directed to Berkeley schools
were directed to needs across the District
and fueled the feelings of inequitable
treatment for students, staff, and schools
in the southern end of the District. That
sentiment has persisted over much of the
last nearly fifty years. -
The Board of Education adopted an
Equity Resolution in April of 2018 and has
since developed a tool for assessing the
District’s work using an equity lens. -
The Board of Education approved the
adoption of Anti-Racist Standards to
guide the District’s decision making,
policies, practices, and procedures. These
standards were a primary lens guiding
the development of the new strategic
About FFSD
The Ferguson-Florissant School District is a community of families and neighborhoods located in suburban St. Louis, Mo.
Fully-accredited by the state of Missouri, the district provides an excellent comprehensive educational program for more than 11,000 children from preschool through 12th grade. The district is comprised of seven primary schools (PreK-2), six elementary schools (3-5), two sixth grade centers, two middle schools (7-8), two high schools and one alternative school as well as a nationally-recognized early education program, the PROBE gifted education program, the award-winning Challenger Learning Center, Little Creek Nature Area, the Innovation School at Cool Valley, a STEAM middle school and a STEAM high school.
The Ferguson-Florissant School District has earned a national reputation as an innovative educational leader, and the staff works continually to provide the highest quality instructional program for our students.
From preschool through high school, our programs offer excellent educational opportunities for students. Our nationally-acclaimed early education program includes Parents as Teachers, free preschool for three- and four-year-olds, early childhood special education programs, child day care and full-day kindergarten. Both of the district's high schools have earned national Project Lead the Way (PLTW) certification for their science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) curriculum. PLTW certification marks our schools as providers of a rigorous curriculum that allows students to apply what they learn in math and science to real-life engineering and technology projects.
Our overall curriculum emphasizes the basic subject areas and our instructional strategies are designed to help students be successful. We help our students master the basics, develop practical life skills, become problem-solvers, learn to communicate and work effectively with others, and develop patterns for lifelong learning.
More information is available on this website and on our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube) to help parents and community members learn about our schools and programs.
For further information, please contact the district's communications department at (314)687-1913 or email us at info@fergflor.org.