- Ferguson-Florissant School District
- Health Services
Immunization Requirements
Why we collect this Information
All students in the Ferguson-Florissant School District must present documentation of up-to-date immunization status, including month, day, and year of each immunization before attending school. Every year our nurses must screen all student immunization records for compliance with state requirements. An annual district wide compliance report is submitted to the Missouri Bureau of Immunization.
Health Education Programs
Dental Health
In classroom dental education is provided in all second grade classrooms in February.
Human Growth and Development
All students in grades 4-6 receive education from the school nurse regarding Human Growth and Development. Every year parents have the opportunity to attend a parent viewing of the videos and curriculum.
Special Programs
Kids Vision for Life
Kids Vision for Life partners with the district to provide direct vision services to students in grades prek-8th grade through screening and comprehensive vision exams. Initially, vision screening is conducted, and with parental consent, their onsite mobile clinic is able to provide on-site vision exams resulting in prescription glasses being provided on the same day for the students at Ferguson-Florissant School District at no cost to the family.
Gateway to Oral Health Foundation
Our district partners with Gateway to Oral Health Foundation. This company offers free on-site preventative and restorative dental care to our students who have parental consent to participate in the program.
Hazel Health/Heart
Our district partners with Hazel Health and Heart to provide virtual doctor/therapist visits at school. With parental consent, students have access to virtual medical and mental health visits in the school nurse's office for physical health and a designated private space for mental health. For physical health, the school nurse will communicate with a student’s parent/guardian when the nurse feels a medical visit is warranted. Hazel Health providers can evaluate your child’s symptoms and provide the appropriate type of treatment. If your child is sick at home, parents can also access Hazel Health medical visits from home from 7 a.m.- 5 p.m. on school days. For mental health, the school nurse, school counselor, and/or school social worker can make a referral. The Hazel therapist will initiate a mental health visit for the student within 24-48 hours. Both services need a signed parental consent. No verbal consents will be accepted.
Greater Health Pharmacy and Wellness
We partner with Greater Health Pharmacy and Wellness to deliver any prescriptions written by Hazel Health providers to your home free of charge. GreaterHealth Pharmacy is available to serve Ferguson-Florissant students and families with their prescription and health needs.
IFM Community Medicine
Our district partners with IFM Community Medicine by bringing healthcare services, in the form of immunization clinics, directly to our schools. The immunization clinic allows students who are not up to date on their immunizations to be immunized during the school day by a licensed healthcare professional. Parents do not need to be present for students to receive their immunizations during the clinic if they have a signed parental consent form to participate. All required immunizations (K-12th grade) are available during immunization clinics based on your child’s Missouri School Immunization requirements.
Dr. Stephanie Tate-Patterson
DNP, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, NCSN District Nurse Coordinator
(314) 824-2043 - statepatterson@fergflor.org