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Ferguson-Florissant School Board Approves Tax Rate for 2023-24 school year
During its annual Tax Rate Hearing, the Ferguson-Florissant Board of Education voted to approve the 2023-24 total tax rate of $4.6804. School boards in St. Louis County set tax rates each year for four classes of property within school district boundaries: residential, commercial, personal and agricultural. As the assessed value of each class of property changes, the District is limited by the lesser of two factors, to the amount of revenue it can receive by the following factors:
the increase in Consumer Price Index (CPI), at 6.5% or
no more than 5% if the other rates are higher.
The Hancock Amendment protects taxpayers so that if real estate and personal property values increase exponentially, the District can not increase the tax rate more than the amount of revenue generated after deducting new construction no more than CPI or 5%, whichever is the lesser of the two.