• Parent Tips For Effective Parent-Teacher Conferences

    Your regular attendance at parent-teacher conferences is extremely important to the educational success of your child. Parent-teacher conferences are an excellent opportunity to gauge your child’s academic progress and create an ongoing dialogue with your child’s teacher. Below are some tips for effective conferences:


    Some tips for parents:

    • Take notes and share information concerning your child with the teacher that could impact his/her learning (how your child learns best, personality, learning challenges, personal information, etc.).
    • Follow-up with your child’s teacher to review his/her work, grades, and progress in school. Ask the teacher for specific suggestions on ways to help your child reach his/her potential. This is the most important part of the meeting. If the teacher says something that you don’t understand, ask for clarification. 
    • Take notes so you can discuss the meeting with your child.
    • End the meeting by reiterating the actions that will be taken by the teacher or parent/guardian.
    • Think of ways you would like to be involved in your child’s learning so that you can discuss them with the teacher.


    Helpful questions to ask the teacher:

    • What is your classroom homework policy? Is homework graded?
    • What are the skills that you expect my child to master this year?
    • Is my child working up to his/her ability?
    • How do you accommodate for learning styles?
    • How can I stay involved in my child’s learning?


     After the conference:

    • Stay in contact with the teacher and continue to discuss your child’s progress. Register on the Parent Portal to monitor/view your child’s grades, attendance, and assignments online. Contact your child’s school for more information.



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