• Welcome to our New Teacher Support, which will provide links to a variety of important information for new teachers in the Ferguson-Florissant School District, including frequently asked questions, professional development opportunities, the district's new teacher meeting dates, and a copy of the new teacher support handbook. Please visit the New Teacher Support menu on the left side of this page for many help links and information.  We hope that you find this site helpful. 

    Register for New Teacher Orientation

    Our teachers are our best resource.  A highly qualified teacher in every classroom provides our students with the best opportunity to be successful.  The Ferguson-Florissant School District recognizes the importance of supporting our first-year teachers as they embark on a new and exciting career.  The goal of the FFSD New Teacher Induction and Mentoring program is to provide new teachers with the opportunity for a meaningful and focused discussion about educational issues related to instruction, curriculum, classroom management, and communication, along with collaborating with colleagues.  If you have questions that aren't answered here, please contact Tamoya Rose-Watson.

    Welcome to the FFSD Family and have a wonderful school year!